Saskatoon Furnace

WiFi Thermostat

Did you know a WiFi thermostat can alert you when your home or business gets too hot or cold?

You can control your Heating, Cooling and Fan settings on your thermostat from anywhere in the world with your smartphone.  Here are the advantages to having a WiFi thermostat with your smartphone:

  • Get email alerts while on vacation if your Heating system is not running and your house is getting cold.
  • Turn down your Furnace during the day when no one is home and turn it up before you get home.
  • Keep an eye on the temperature settings, when someone turns up the heat high you can change it back without being at home.
  • Pair it with a WiFi water sensor to alert you if you have a water issue in the basement.

FOr more information contact Lato Mechanical Ltd. 

Call today 306 371 4190

WiFi Thermostat